2º Anniversary of Red de Emprendedoras de Marbella

2º Anniversary of Red de Emprendedoras de Marbella

With a gala dinner opened to prospective investors of the city, REM celebrated its second anniversary.

Marbella, 28th of September , 2011: Last Friday, 30th of September, The Network of Entrepreneurs (REM) in Marbella celebrated a gala dinner to commemorate the second anniversary of its birth.

More than one hundred participants, among which were fifty entrepreneurs of the province, have attended to an event at executives express invitation issued outside the local organization. The guests represent a solid company in Malaga, some of them expressed interest in investing in Marbella.

The evening also included institutional representation. The mayor of Marbella, Ángeles Muñoz, has delegated its presence in the Councillor for Equality and Employment, Isabel Cintado, who attended to the meeting with the delegate of urbanism, Pablo Moro. For its part, the Centre for Tourist Initiatives (CIT) has ratified the presence of its president, Juan Jose Gonzalez and others officials involved groups such as the president of AJE, Javier Noriega, and President of AEPREM , Nieves Schmaeing.